Monday, August 13, 2012

Brock Lesner vs. Triple H: Why its Destined to Fail

The blockbuster of the summer as some people are calling it, Brock Lesner vs Triple H at Summerslam with Paul Heyman in Lesners' corner and Shawn Michaels in Triple H's corner in the main event. This match has been destined to fail since Brock came back the RAW after Wrestlemania 28. Yes Lesner looked strong the first week back when he attacked John Cena to show he will come back as one of the top superstars but, after that it just kind of gotten ridiculous. First off, he lost against John Cena in his return match after beating the living hell out of Cena and it wasn't enough to put away "Superman". After that he became a diva who wanted the show named after him and his own private jet and other request that took away from his initial badassery. Then he came out to negotiate with John Laurinaitus to stay on RAW and to get more money. After a while Triple H the acting COO of WWE came out huffed and puffed to say no to the diva Lesner, Brock counteracted with breaking Triple H's arm. Sounds fair to me. 

After that Lesner and Triple H both disappeared from the WWE. But the big bad unstopable Triple H came back at Over the Limit to make the announcement that he wanted to face Brock Lesner... The next night Triple H came out to call out Lesner out came Paul Heyman, the mouthpiece for Lesner since he debuted in 2002, and told Triple H no. What did Triple H do in response? He punched Heyman, thats right the COO of a business who is an avid supporter of the anti bullying company BA star tried bullying his way to a match. The next week Heyman, not Brock Lesner, came out via satellite to say he was suing the WWE for Triple H punching him the week before. This went back and forth until Triple H's wife Stephanie Mchmahon called out Paul Heymans manhood and that pushed Heyman over the edge to say Lesner accepted the fight. Again lets recap, Heyman is the one that is mostly involved in this rivalry that is suppose to be Lesner vs HHH, and Brock has been nowhere to be seen for months. The build up has gotten a little bit better the last few weeks with HBK getting involved, just not sure if thats enough to push this feud to the next level. 

Once we finally get to Summerslam, the end result seems pretty clear to me and its not for the best of the WWE. At the PPV I see Triple H getting the win, is it going to be a good match? Sure it is but the outcome is not the one that is most favorable. Triple H has an ego we all already know that and in the past does not have a very good track record of putting over other superstars. His last match was against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, this was a very rare event where he did put someone over, if he didn't though HHH would go down as the only person to beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania and that does not look very well for a guy who has control of a lot of the company. However, I could definitely see Trips wanting to win against Brock to not only show he is better than Brock, also he wouldn't want to look weaker than John Cena by not being able to win against Lesner when Cena did. Time will tell on how the match will end up going. Just my view on it, I'm not going to watch it just because I don't want to see Lesner get screwed once again since returning  to the WWE. I hope I'm wrong we shall see.

Thanks for reading!

Till next time,

Jacob Reyes

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