Monday, September 10, 2012


Long time color commentator for Monday Night Raw, Jerry "The King" Lawler, passed out on the announce table on tonight's episode of RAW. Lawler, who just finished wrestling a tag team match, was calling a tag team match when the announce table seemed to go silent. After break we had a very scary update from Michael Cole that Lawler passed out and needed medical attention including CPR. Lawler was then rushed to the local hospital.Cole's voice seemed to be shaken and very serious demeanor as he said this is not apart of the entertainment for tonight. Later on in the broadcast Cole stated that Lawler is in stable condition and his heart is beating on his own...

I would like to thank with keeping up on this story and having an insider stating that there weren't any signs that Lawler was having any health issues. You can read that article here. I hope to have more information during my Raw in Review tomorrow night. Keep Lawler in your prayers tonight....

Thanks for reading!

Till next time

Jacob Reyes

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