Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Raw in Review 9-10-12

First of all I just wanted to say thank you to all the troops that have fought for and died for our freedom after the 9-11 tragedy. Today marks the 11th year anniversary of that fateful day. This tragic event really did bring our country together and stole our innocence away showing that we can be vulnerable. God bless everyone who was affected by the events. Thank God for the troops.  
Jerry Lawlers' Health Scare
The king had quite the Monday night, but not as planned for the announcer/wrestler. He teamed up with Randy Orton to defeat CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler after Punk was influenced to leave the match (more on that later) the next we saw on RAW was Daniel Bryan and Kane against The Prime Time Players. As the match went on the announce table seemed to get silent and we heard wheezing and coughing, the next thing we saw was one of the scariest, hold your breath, moment that I'll never forget. The next moment captured saw Lawler bent over on his chair and holding his head as he seemed s to just collapse as Michael Cole had his arm around his shoulder. As medical personal took Jerry to the back where he was rushed to the hospital. As the show continued the announce table was silent except for Michael Cole giving updates on Lawler which the last one said that he was starting to breath on his own. Today's news came out that he did in fact have a heart attack and had surgery which was successful and Lawler is now in stable condition with doctors main concern being what kind of brain damage occurred when he had his heart attack. Reports say that Lawler complained of chest pains in Memphis last week. I really hope that Lawler comes back as soon as he is ready and cleared to come back. This should also prove to not just the WWE but wrestling in general that performers over 50 should not be wrestling in the way Lawler has been used as of late. Lawler you'll be in my prayers and hope for a speedy recovery.
Cody Rhodes Defeated Mysterio: Inserts Himself into IC Title Picture

Cody Rhodes and Rey Mysterio faced off in the wrestling main event on RAW. Cody Rhodes picked up the win when the Miz got onto the ring apron and distracted Mysterio enough for Rhodes to hit his finisher, the Cross Rhodes. After the match was over Miz tried to attack Rey but Rhodes hit The Miz with his finisher as well and ended his night by holding up the Intercontinental Title. Its about time Cody picks up a win on RAW! Even if it is a tainted win at least he didn't get squashed. It'll be interesting if Rhodes does win back the IC Title, that would be three reigns for Cody this year alone. It would be nice for him to win at a match that'll probably occur at Night of Champions, it would be even better if he would be hurled in the main event slot.

Daniel Bryan and Kane... The Tag Team?

Hug it out guys

The Daniel Bryan-Kane saga has been quite the crazy journey. It started with both of them going after the WWE Championship. Once they were done with that, Bryans' ex girlfriend, A.J., became the GM and said Bryan had to go to anger management.... Kane went as well... The next two weeks the anger management skits were the must see parts of the shows. Then last week we had a hug it out match between the two that ended in chaos. So now that we are caught up on that.... This week AJ decided to put the two together as a tag team against the tag team championship #1 contenders; The Prime Time Players, and won to become the new #1 contenders for R-Truth and Kofi Kingstons championships. I hope Kane and Bryan win the gold it will be just another interesting twist in the story.

Bret Hart Returns to Montreal and Gets Interupted by Punk

Monday Night RAW started off with a bang when Bret Hart opened RAW to be heard in Montreal for the first time since 1997. As Bret Hart started his speech he was interrupted by the brash WWE Champion, CM Punk. Punk played the "What if" game and said if it were him instead of Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series he would have beaten Hart without McMahon and the attitude era would have never occurred and that WWE would die.  Bret stated that he has no respect and Punk said he'll earn his respect at Night of Champions when he defeats Cena to become one of the greatest WWE Champion of all time. It was then announced that since Punk walked out last week the WWE Universe will choose Punk's oppentant tonight between Randy Orton, Brodus Clay and Jerry Lawler. The polls chose Orton which then led to the tag match noted above, During the match Heyman came out and discussed something with Punk and grabbed the Title as they left the match. Then later on in the night Hart and Cena were discussing what was going to happen Sunday at the PPV. Punk then came out and Cena just ripped Punk a new saying that he is a no good son of a bitch that'll lose because he does not deserve that Championship belt. Punk and Cena then got into and it ended with Hart give Punk a great right hook. Once again I'll state it here.... I hope Punk prevails Sunday... He has been the most consistent performer except for Cena, for the past year and needs to be rewarded. 

Other News and Notes
  Ryback ate Heath Slater..... Sheamus used the illegal Brogue Kick..... Alberto Del Rio defeated Tyson Kidd......... Layla and Kaitlyn teamed up and won..... they will face each other this Sunday for the Divas Championship..... There will be a battle royal on the pre-show of the PPV.... the winner gets a shot at U.S. Title on actual PPV........

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