Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Live Raw in Review 9-24-12 on Hulu Plus

Hello there internet world! I don't have cable so I usually watch RAW on YouTube, but now they have it on Hulu and so here we go! The hulu version is only ninty minutes so lets see if there is a difference in other reports.... Now lets get on with the show!

CM Punk and Paul Heyman start the show in the middle of the ring angry from last weeks controversial finish to the main event. Heyman shows that Punk had his foot on the bottom rope during the pin. Heyman calls it a tradagy and wants the referee from last week, Brad Maddox, to come to the ring and apologize and resign. Maddox said he made a mistake it was his first main event and he was nervous. Heyman asked him once again to resign, Maddox said he is sorry but... Punk then interrupts and asked who he is and how did he get hired? Punk also calls out his manhood. Maddox explains that after Raw moved to three hours A.J. called him and hired him as another referee. Heyman then said you are nothing but a replacement then gives Maddox a eye coverer with both the WWE and NFL logos on it playing into the replacement refs of the NFL. Punk calls out A.J., the GM of RAW, to fire Maddox. A.J. skips to the ring and said not to berate the refs and who do they think they are for holding RAW hostage. Punk goes on a rant about being the WWE Champ and the reason why everyone is the why A.J. gets a paycheck every week. Punk blackmails A.J. by showing her when she proposed to him that there are voicemails, texts that aren't suitable for the USA Network. Punk goes into saying that they were intimate behind the scenes taking credit for the skip to the ring. Heyman then tells Punk to have him handle this. Paul proposed to A.J. saying they would be a power couple that he would handle all the idea and she can take credit for it. A.J. response was a slap to Heyman's face. As RAW fades out Michael Cole recapped what has happened with Jerry Lawler and announced that later on in the show we will have an update on him with an exclusive interview.....

We are back from only two ads from Hulu... thank goodness..... With the hardcore legend, Mick Foley, coming out to the ring. J.R. said that Foley has always been one of his favorites, to not judge a book by his cover. Foley who is in a very serious mood starts out by saying in the last year he has been an avid supporter of CM Punk but now he is just a sheep to Heyman. Punk's music interrupted and he asked for respect from the hardcore legend and then asked if he is here to sell a new children's book and stay relavent in the WWE. Foley then went on to explain that yes he does always wonder if he does stay relavent but, Punk answered that question almost a year ago after Foley sent him a text that said how does it feel to be the top guy and Punk responded two minutes later with a text that read "Thanks Mick that means a lot especially coming from you" Foley said his biggest problem with Punk is he alligned with Paul, saying he was never lied to by him but knows the kind of man he is. Most importantly Foley asked why Punk needs a mouth piece if he is the voice of the voiceless.... Foley then told Punk he's either gonna be his own man or drink the "kool-aid" Mick then went on to say that he doesn't need to demand respect because in the Hell in the Cell he proved why he deserved respect. Punk asked Foley if he was done then went on to say he is nothing like Foley or Bret Hart who have both said they see some of them in Punk. Punk stated that Cena keeps saying if Punk beats Cena at Night of Champions then he is the best which he did. 309 days is how long Punk has been champion Foley then said 29  which signified how many days he was WWE champion and no one remembers that so does Punk want to be a legend or just another statistic.... Foley also said that John Cena should be recovered from elbow surgery by Hell in the Cell and GM A.J. has made the decision that it is going to be Punk's choice to face Cena at HIAC. Cena will be in the arena later on to hear Punks' answer.... Coming up next Miz vs. Ryback!


JR stated that Miz will be one of the greats pre the matchup. Miz squirmed out of a few of Rybacks power moves but Ryback caught him and flipped him to the other side of the ring. Looked like Miz reversed a powerslam to a reverse neckbreaker  but Ryback countered that with a power slam  A few head slams to the mat and Miz gets out of the ring but Ryback meets him out there and throws Miz back in the ring. Miz got some defense with a kick to the head and a DDT. Ryback came back with a powerbomb, clothesline, and ShellShock which was good enough for the pin

Decision: Ryback pin in 2 min and 55 sec.  Very interesting to see The Miz get dominated like that especially being the IC Champ...

Daniel Bryan and Kane have lunch at a diner per request of Dr.Shelby. They talk about how they like hurting people especially last Friday when they hurt 8 men. Both went into "When Harry Met Sally" mode and starting screaming Yes! and Hurt! to completion. Mae Young then was shown and said I'll have what they are having. I am loving these two, they make Monday Night RAW fun to watch in a non corny way like we are a custom to with the WWE... Jerry Lawler interview up next!

Michael Cole brings us back in and went through the events of two weeks ago when Jerry "The King" Lawler suffered a major life threatening heart attack. Cole said WWE doctors told him that it is an absolute miracle that Lawler has recovered so well. Lawler was then introduced with a standing ovation live via satellite at his house in Memphis, TN. Lawler looks great! Still has the effects of having a ventilator tube down his throat with his voice being raspy. Last thing he remembered that night was seeing Punk and Bret in the ring. Doesn't remember his own match that happened after that. Lawler thought he was still on vacation with his girlfriend when he woke up in the hospital. Cole then asked Lawler when he is going to come back? Lawler came back that him getting sick was because he went from two to three hours with Cole. I'm glad he has a great sense of humor. Lawler did say however that when he get the go to return he will be there faster than smoke. It looked like to me that Lawler was holding back tears during the whole segment I can't blame him for being overwhelmed. I cannot wait for Lawler to come back as I have wrote about before he truly is a living legend.

When we return to RAW Sheamus is in the ring with David Otunga. Apparently its a six man tag team match of Sheamus Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs Alberto Del Rio David Otunga and Ricardo Rodriguez. Rodriguez covered Sin cara for a two count. Ross pointed out that has to be the toughest tuxedo that Ricardo is wearing with it staying buttoned in this match. Ricardo tagged Del Rio and takes down Cara. Rodriguez tagged back in now trying to take off Cara's mask before getting kicked in the head and head scissored down. Del Rio and Mysterio both tag in. Quick arm bar by Mysterio cover for 2 1/2. Drop toe hold to Del Rio in the corner. Mysterio goes to the top rope and ensurgi by Del Rio onto Mysterio. Otunga tagged in, body slam by Otunga and Ricardo back in. Cover on Mysterio, gut kick to Rodriguez  and Otunga is back, with a quick couple of punches then tags in Del Rio who delivers another ensurgi this time to Mysterios back. Mysterio is taking a beating when Rey comes back with a roll into a dropkick. Rey tags in Sheamus and Otunga is in. Sheamus with the hot tag offense. Goes for the Brogue Kick but Otunga gets out of the way and tags Ricardo in. Rodriguez doesn't want in and tries to run but Sheamus gets him and get Ricardo against the ropes for Mysterio to deliver the 619 and Sin Cara gets tagged in to hit the Senton Bomb for the Pin.

Sheamus, Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio by Pinfall in 10 minutes. After the match Otunga is the only one left in the ring and Sheamus delivers a Brogue Kick to him for good measure.We get a tease for John Cena in a sling to tell us how serious his injury is tonight here on RAW!

Now another Diner segment with Bryan, Kane and now, Dr. Shelby. Role playing time for the tag champs. Daniel Bryan, the vegan, gets meatballs and Kane receives a salad, Doctor says for both of them to take a bite so they know how the other feel. After they both take a bite Shelby asked how they feel Kane answers with a large belch and Bryan throws up in Shelby's lap. Twitter poll for the tag team name for the two,,, Team Teamwork, Team Hell No, and Team Friendship.. I would choose Friendship if it was live. The Tag Champs live next!

Dainel Bryan comes out with the WWE Universe screaming Yes! and Bryan screaming No! Next out is the other half of this crazy team, Kane. Now the results of the Twitter pole, the winner is.... Team Hell No! After the announcement Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow attacked the champs! Cody then announced that their team name is the Rhode Scholars. Sandow then said that Kane and Bryan now have a reason to be angry and that they are welcome. After that we get a replay of Heyman proposing to AJ, and then a replay of Foley and Punk. Will Cena get the answer from Punk that he wants? How long will it take for him to heal?  We will find out tonight!

Funkasauras, Brodus Clay,  comes out next with a spiffy black hat and dances into the ring. And Tensai comes out to square off against Clay. Tensai with some headbutts early on, and Clay headbutts right back. Clay with a splash in the corner followed by a slam. Clay goes for a splash misses and Tensai tries for one but misses also. Big Shows music hits! He hits Tensai with the WMD to cause the DQ. Brodus Clay and Big Show have the stare down. Clay runs at Show and Big Show deliverers another WMD right hand.  That quite the return after a brief hiatus from Show. Cena is up next!

Alright here we go! The last part of RAW starts off with Cena entering the arena with a large roar from the crowd. Cena opens up by saying that there are mixed emotions with him being here tonight and originally wasn't suppose to be here but wanted to thank everyones support for the Susan G Komen foundation which is a organization that is trying to find a cure for breast cancer. Cena has been wearing pink to honor the foundation and proceeds of the money that goes into selling the pink merchandise. CM Punk has misquoted him and said that he said Night of Champions will define him and Cena who tried not to swear pretty much summed it up with Punk being a slimeball. Cena states he is not guarantee his return but he will guarantee he will be at Hell in Cell to fight Punk. As Punk came to the ring Cole and Ross talked about how selfish Punk has gotten the last few months as he is trying to find respect. Punk said the speeches he has heard tonight and the last four weeks have reminded him of the slimy politics. Punk then said Cena should be a politican or even president with all the crap he tries to shovel to the masses. He said he is not gonna lose his title to a one armed man. Punk said he will not face Cena at Hell in the Cell because John has had countless shots at the chamionship and someone else deseverves a shot. Also, he won't be medically cleared not just because of his elbow but because he will hurt him if he is going to come out there and bad mouth and disrespect him with him in his arm brace. Punk is going to turn his back and count to five before he beats the living crap outta Cena. As Punk turns around Cena pulls out a lead pipe and when Punk gets to one Cena nails Punk with the pipe. Cena then said "Real mean wear pink" and he hopes to see him at HIAC. Cena then shakes the hands of the crowd. Punk is in the back walking around when he sees Mick and kicks him in the mid section! Punk starts walking away then turns around to beat up Foley more but as he turns around Ryback is standing in front of Mick!

So all in all, I think that Hulu and WWE is a great partnership. I dig watching RAW on my TV. I hope you like this live RAW Review! Let me know my twitter is @SUSWRESTLING or you can email me at Once again thanks again for reading I really do appreciate the support and leave comments below I would love to hear what you think!

Thanks for reading!

Till next time,

Jacob Reyes

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